Signing Up
You don’t need an account to sign up - your account will be made after you sign up for your first class!
Single Class Ticket:
At the bottom of the page under TICKETS, click “Select”. The class will be added to your cart.
Check out through the cart. You will then be prompted to create your account, fill in the booking details, and sign the waiver
Once you’ve booked, you’ll receive a confirmation number and email.
You’re all set! Please enjoy your class!
Class Passes:
In order to purchase a class pass, you must first select a class to book.
This booking will be applied against the balance of your pass.
Choose a class to book and select a ticket (see above). Do not check out.
Go to the Class Pass page
Select your desired pass, and checkout at the bottom of the page
Once you have made your selection, the individual ticket in your cart will be applied against your Class Pass.
Create your account, fill in the booking details, and sign the waiver
Enjoy your season of Mat Collective yoga in Vancouver!
More Information:
Once you’ve booked a class, you will have access to your personal account, where you can see your current bookings, upcoming and past bookings, and your class pass balance.
Through your account you can also cancel bookings for a credit refund, or transfer your booking to a class of equal value.
If you cannot attend your booked class, you may cancel your ticket for a credit or transfer to another class.
Go to our Full Booking Page (in a sparate tab) and Login to your account
Click on View Bookings (on the top right of the page)
Find the class you would like to cancel and click Ticket Options
Select Cancel or Transfer to choose a new class.
As class capacity is limited, please be considerate and cancel so that others may attend!
When a class is fully booked, you will be given the option to join the waitlist. When joining the waitlist, you will be entered into a queue based on the order in which you joined.
When a spot becomes available, waitlisted students will be notified by email in order of the queue.
If you are notified that a spot is available, you will have 10 minutes to book before the next student is notified.
To book your spot from the waitlist, you must use the link provided in the email as the class will still appear as fully booked on the public schedule.
For technical issues or questions, please email community@matcollective.com

WelcomeOur classes are designed for all skill levels, so if you’re new to yoga, or new to a certain style of yoga, you’re in the right place. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring your own yoga mat (or towel), and water. ​Injuries: Please report any relevant injuries or health conditions when you are signing the waiver before class. We’ll accommodate as best we can, but if you’ve had any recommendations from a doctor about certain exercises you should modify or avoid, always listen to your medical professional first.
PricingPre-Covid-19 our yoga classes were all free or by donation! We have added new offerings and now our classes are a mix of free, paid, and partially subsidized by us. Some classes and events provide as much as 50% of the proceeds to causes like covid-19 relief in India.
Weather and Cancellation PolicyWe try our best not to cancel classes, but that being said, if the teacher feels it is not safe to do yoga due to the weather or air conditions, classes will be cancelled and your class credit will be refunded to use another time.
Class Updates & ScheduleOur schedule is subject to change. Check out the live schedule for subs, as well as find us on Instagram and Facebook for frequent updates and more! For big changes and class announcements, we have a mailing list! Sign up here. We only send emails for important things.
Class ReservationsMany of our classes are free, we do require you to book a spot and fill out a waiver in order to attend. Please reserve your spot through our booking system at www.bookwhen.com/matcollective-classes
Smoke PolicyWe will cancel class and your spot will be refunded if the air quality is not safe to do yoga.
ArrivingPlease arrive at least 10 minutes before class to check in and set up your spot. This way you can be all settled when class starts.
How You Can Help OutThere are other ways (besides donations and tips) that you can help keep yoga free in Vancouver. To name a few: - Leave us a review on Google and/or Facebook. - Volunteer at our studio. - Tell your friends!
Being Earth Friendly• bring a reusable water bottle • cycle, walk, transit or carpool to class • pick up any garbage you see in our yoga spots • take nothing but pictures, and leave nothing but footprints
Yoga EtiquetteArrive Early: For most classes plan to set up about 15 minutes before class starts so you can get all settled in and ready for the start of class. Some classes may have unique instructions which you will find in the booking system (look + book tab) or require you to wait while another class finishes up. Walking Around: When walking around, avoid stepping directly on other yogi's mats and stuff. No Electronics: Refrain from using cell phones (or anything else that beeps or buzzes) during class, as to not interrupt those around you. Stagger Yourself: We often pre-space the mats with markers. If your class has no markers it is nice to stagger your mat so you aren't directly blocking the people behind you from their view of the teacher. Talking: You can chat before the class starts but no talking during the actual class. Clean Up: If you are attending an outdoor class, please respect the park and clean up after yourself. If it's an indoor class, we have spray bottles to clean your mat with at the end of class. If you borrowed a mat, wipe, then roll up your mat and stack it neatly back where you got it from. Socks or shoes? You actually don't need them! If you keep them on you might find that your feet don't grip into your mat properly, which can be dangerous. It's outdoor- so can I bring my loved one or friend to hang out while I take the class? Due to restricted gatherings and the limited people allowed in our classes with PHO orders we ask that loved ones capable of being alone sit seperate from the group. It's not that we mind your boyfriend waiting for you- we just need him to be about 1.5 metres away instead of 1.5. Loved ones who require supervision (for example kids and well behaved pets) are allowed to join their parents at no cost in most classes. We do ask that if your guest needs some extra help or space to dance or cry out their energy you remove them swiftly so everyone else isn't disrupted. If you are a regular student who would benefit from some flexibility for your personal situation please contact community@matcollective.com to discuss your situation and how we can accomodate you. Most importantly, take it easy, ask questions, and have fun!